Saturday, January 27, 2018

Hello everyone & happy 2018!!!

How is everyone doing for the first month of this year? I know I have been away since June and I want to update you guys on what's going on.

The main reason why I was away from my blog was because so much was going on in my life. I have been dealing with school, family issues, and personal issues it was stressing me out and coming onto my blog was stressing me out even more because I want to help every single one of you, but it's hard because I haven't found a lot spellcasters and I can't always be there to comfort you guys. Now I feel so much better with everything that is happening in my life and I'm ready to come back expose some scammers and help you guys get what you desire. I am still not back together with my ex and it's going on five years now, but I will not give up on getting him back. 2018 is the year that we will get back together and it is also the year THAT YOU GUYS GET WHAT YOU DESIRE! I will be replying to everyones email even if it's old.

Now you may have noticed that my other blog on wordpress has been suspended for some reason I do not know. I looked through my emails and notice that it happened recently because I was still getting comments from this month. I sent wordpress a email about this and will update you guys about it, but this is the reason why I made another blog on this site so if anything happened on my main one I will always have this one. And I can just easily create a new blog on wordpress and transform all the post from here to there.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Emoji spells

Emoji spells are just like sigil, but more modern and up to date. While I was away from my blog I would always cast a emoji spell. They’re really easy to cast and I suggest everyone to try it. Copy and paste a emoji spell into the comments to cast or you can paste it to an email, text, notes, etc. And like to recast.
Some of my favorite emoji spells:
🔮🕯😞💖💕❤️😌❤️💕💖😊🕯🔮/Self love
🔮🌙💐🍃✨🍃💐🌙🔮/Positive energy
🔮✨💰🎋🍀🎍🤑🎍🍀🎋💰✨🔮/Money & luck

For more spells check out my other blog