Hello everyone I know I have been gone for a while now and I apologize for that. So much has happened in my life this year with school, social life, family, and my love life that I needed to take a break. I am still not with my boyfriend yet and haven’t given up trying to get him back. I am not using any spellcasters because I prefer to cast my own spells now and I suggest you guys do the same. I have been casting my own spells for a while now and I have seen way more results than from a actually spellcaster. I will still try to find some real spellcasters for you guys though. I have also been using the universe/ laws of attraction this year which has helped me out so much. I will make a separate post about that later.
I will be responding to everyones emails even though it might be a little bit late. Also please check out my page https://spellcastersexposed.wordpress.com/fake-testimonials/ to know how to spot a fake spell caster, if you want to cast your own spell check out my other blog http://mimimoonspells.weebly.com, and check out my new forum http://s15.zetaboards.com/Spellcastersexposed/index/ to talk to other people about spells.
Welcome back.